
Calendar of Webinars, Conferences, Forthcoming Publications and Other Events About Boys


World Association of Infant Mental Health Congress


May 26-30, 2018, Rome, Italy

Click here for more.


Infant Mental Health Journal January-February 2017

Special Issue: Boys at Risk: Indicators from Birth to Five

May be accessed from:

A. Articles are available for a fee online by Goggling “Infant Mental Health Journal-Wiley Online Library.” Access to the articles may be free through university or other library databases.

B. If you do not have access through a database, from time to time the World Association of Infant Mental Health at describes a procedure for a free trial access for 60 days on its homepage:

  1. Log in or register for a Wiley Online Library account at
  2. Go to “My Profile” and select “Trial Access from the left-hand menu
  3. Enter the trial access code IMHJFREE (case-sensitive)

C. Members of the World Association of Infant Mental Health, who subscribe to the journal, should have received a hard copy in the mail.

Click here for more.