Registering for the Early Origins of Male Violence Conference





Registration is now open–Early Bird Discount Extended

The cost of the conference: following the opening of on-line registration on January 15

Regular Registration


Until April 30, 2019

Onsite Registration


May 1-3, 2019

Single Day Registration


Until May 3, 2019

Flat rate for CE Credit processing


Cancellation charges apply as follows:
56 days or more prior to start of event: 50% of the registration fee (on before Mar. 6, 2019)
28 or fewer days prior to start of event: 100% of the registration fee (After April 2, 2019)
All refunds will be made within 30 days after the Conference (on or before June 3, 2019)

A block of sleeping rooms is being held at La Fonda on the Plaza Hotel for the reduced price of $179.00 + tax per night. To reserve a room, call (800) 523-5002 or (505) 982-5511 before April 1, 2019 and identify yourself as part of the group: Santa Fe Boys Educational Foundation, or reference the group number: #937429.


Full registration includes light breakfast, bag lunch, and coffee/tea breaks for the three days of the conference.
(Prices reflect considerable subsidization of the underlying cost of the conference by the Santa Fe Boys Educational Foundation.)

Download our 2019 Early Origins of Male Violence Conference Terms & Conditions

To learn more about:

Agenda at a Glance

More about the conference

Propose a workshop or symposium

The conference hotel, Santa Fe, & Getting to Santa Fe

Continuing Education Credits

The Infant Mental Health Journal and the conference

Registering for the conference and cost information